How To Increase Muscle Mass

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How To Increase Muscle Mass
How To Increase Muscle Mass

Video: How To Increase Muscle Mass

Video: How To Increase Muscle Mass
Video: 7 Steps To Build Muscle (For SKINNY GUYS) 2024, October

At all times, women have been attracted by strong and courageous men. The modern generation is no exception. However, the question often arises of how to gain weight for a man. Correctly selected food is the best way out of this situation.

How to increase muscle mass
How to increase muscle mass

Interesting information

The male body is designed in such a way that it assimilates and processes food faster than the female. At the same time, without exhausting training and with sufficient activity, young people gain a higher quality mass. Simply put, if a woman needs to relax a little and increase the amount of calories consumed, they will immediately be deposited in the hips, abdomen and waist. In men, in this situation, there is a more even weight gain, and not an increase in unnecessary body fat. This rule applies to fairly active and healthy men.

Doubtful sports nutrition is clearly not an assistant in gaining muscle mass. If the main goal is to gain weight quickly, it must be borne in mind that the rate of gain depends on the regimen and genetics. Simply absorbing extra calories will not help you achieve the desired result. You will need to take a comprehensive approach to this problem. Proper nutrition, alternating loads, weekly rest, good sleep are the best solutions in achieving this goal.

Proper nutrition

First of all, it is recommended to abandon the use of semi-finished products. It is important to eat high quality complete protein. At least 2 servings of fish or meat, cottage cheese 5-6% fat, egg white should be present on your table every day. Average intervals between meals should be no more than 3 hours.

Gaining muscle mass occurs through weight gain and regular workouts in the gym (2-3 sessions per week). It should be noted that the recommended duration of each session should be 40-45 minutes. It is necessary to eat a sufficient amount of protein products in combination with useful amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, fats and carbohydrates. It is also recommended to drink at least 2 liters of water during the day. Protein and protein shakes are acceptable before bed.

The most beneficial supplements for gaining muscle mass are glutamine and creatine. They are very suitable for solving your problem. Glutamine strengthens the defenses, improves the immune system. Creatine effectively increases muscle energy and endurance levels. Experts recommend using these supplements in combination with high-carbohydrate drinks.

To quickly gain muscle mass, you should exclude from the diet foods enriched with animals and other saturated fats (sausages, butter, margarine, lard, fatty meats, etc.).

Before going to bed, food should be rich in protein and easily digestible. In this case, dairy products, fish, poultry, vegetables are perfect.
