A beautiful body with well-developed muscles attracts the eyes of others, makes you attractive and confident in yourself and your own strengths. To quickly build muscle mass, it is necessary to correctly organize a mode of exercise and rest and choose a balanced diet.

Step 1
Gradually build up your workout at the gym. Over time, the body adjusts and training becomes ineffective. Therefore, increase the load by the number of repetitions of the exercises or by increasing the working weight.
Step 2
Do about 6-9 sets of exercises for each muscle group - this is the optimal number of sets for muscle growth. On average, each workout should take about 45 minutes. When drawing up a workout plan, keep in mind that cardio exercise, exercise for the cardiovascular system slows down the growth of muscle mass. Therefore, they should be performed after basic loads and no more than 20 minutes.
Step 3
Review your diet. You must eat a heavy meal every 3 hours. It is worth increasing the amount of protein food consumed. Protein is essential for muscle tissue renewal after exercise. Determine the required daily protein intake for your body. To do this, multiply 1 gram of protein by your weight in pounds (there are 454 grams in 1 pound). The main sources of protein include chicken, pork, eggs, cheese, nuts, seeds, and seafood. The amount of fat consumed must also be balanced. Fats increase the amount of anabolic hormones in men, which are essential for muscle growth. Consuming anabolic steroids is highly discouraged.
Step 4
Drink plenty of fluids. You should drink at least 12 glasses of water every day to rehydrate.
Step 5
Get plenty of rest and sleep. Separate yourself from stressful situations as much as possible. After each workout, catch your breath and lie down. Then take a leisurely walk. Muscle tissue repair occurs while your body is at rest by reducing metabolic rate and blood flow to relaxed muscles.