Strength training with good weights can do wonders for a woman's figure. It's time to put this statement to the test. To do this, you need to choose the right dumbbells.

Should you choose mini dumbbells
It takes time to build a truly harmonious figure. This can take not only months, but years. Mini dumbbells are not suitable for this business. They are only good for aerobics. If you are not going to do strength training, feel free to buy mini dumbbells. Otherwise, pay attention to collapsible dumbbell models. The fact is that the muscles get used to the load relatively quickly, ceasing to react to it after some time. With the help of mini dumbbells, you will strengthen your body to certain limits, and further achievements will require heavier equipment. In addition, with small weights, you are unlikely to achieve perfect shape.
How to pick up dumbbells
It is best to choose good dumbbells for fitness, thinking of yourself, not as a girl, but as an athlete. These sports equipment differ in type, weight, and grip comfort. Collapsible models will be an ideal option, they will allow you to adjust the load if necessary. They are of two types: classic and variable weight. The first option implies the presence of a bar on which you can hang pancakes weighing from 0.5 to 10 kilograms. In this case, the pancakes are attached using a special clamp. By planting them in the right amount, you get exactly the load you want. Dumbbells with variable weight have special round mini discs with a lock.
Be sure to purchase locks or latches for dumbbells, otherwise doing exercises, especially dynamic ones, will be traumatic.
For home use, the first option is ideal, since it is more affordable and more economical. First of all, you can always buy the necessary weights in a sports store, since barbell pancakes are not in short supply for a long time. In addition, you can always take a bar in addition to dumbbells and expand the range of exercises performed. The advantage of type 2 dumbbells is that they are usually more comfortable. In particular, their neck for a graceful female palm is many times more comfortable.
By purchasing an extra pancake bar, you can diversify your workout with new exercises.
For beginners in sports, training usually requires weights in the range of 3 kg, but this is enough for a month or two. Further, to improve the results (for example, for lunges and squats), weights from 3 to 7 kg are used. The best option can be considered a set of pancakes, which will allow you to vary the load from 2 to 10 kg per dumbbell.