Pulse or heart rate is the most important indicator of the state and activity of the cardiovascular system. For an ordinary untrained person, 60 to 89 beats per minute is considered the norm. Athletes may have different performance.

Step 1
Usually, athletes who train in speed-strength sports have a higher heart rate than representatives of various sports games. More modest heart rate indicators for those whose training is aimed at developing endurance.
Step 2
Also, beginner athletes may have a faster heart rate than experienced ones. In addition, the beat frequency tends to decrease with age in a trained person. The highest parameters are among young athletes, under the age of 15, who train for speed and strength. For them, the norm is 75-80 beats per minute. For those who train for endurance and have crossed the 30-year mark, 45-50 beats per minute are considered normal.
Step 3
Just like in ordinary people, the heart rate is reduced by 10 beats in the supine position than in the standing position. For female athletes, the heart rate can be 7-10 beats less than for men of the same age.
Step 4
If an ordinary person has a pulse of 60 beats or less, he can be diagnosed with bradycardia, then in sportsmen-skiers, marathon runners, road cyclists 40-50 beats per minute is considered normal, since over time the heart has learned to work more economically. In addition, in this mode of operation, nutrition and metabolism in the heart muscle improves. However, with a pulse of 40 beats or less, this is a serious reason for contacting a cardiologist. The same as with indicators of 90 strokes and above.
Step 5
Unlike an untrained person, an athlete's heart is able to sharply increase the frequency of contractions at high loads in order to ensure increased blood circulation in the body. If earlier it was believed that the heart rate above 180 beats per minute is an extremely high rate of work for the heart, nowadays the pulse rate of well-trained athletes can increase up to 200-220 beats without any negative consequences. However, in an unprepared person, such a rhythm of the heart can lead to overstrain.
Step 6
When lifting weights, the heart rate increases to 120-135 beats per minute. However, many athletes can become overstrained if the athlete holds their breath while lifting weights. Therefore, when exercising with large weights, it is recommended to monitor your breathing.
Step 7
Also, one should not forget that the heart rate of athletes can vary significantly depending on the lifestyle, nutritional conditions and many other factors, including individual characteristics.