Few people pay enough attention to the development of fingers. Meanwhile, the development of dexterity, flexibility and strength of the fingers has a beneficial effect not only on athletic performance, but also improves brain function. With regular exercise, memory, attention and thinking are improved. Finger training is possible both with the help of special devices and without them.

Step 1
The strength of the fingers is developed by exercises with wrist bands. They can be metal and rubber. Squeeze and unclench the expander until you feel tired. Do three sets with a rest break of 3-5 minutes. It is useful to do push-ups on the fingers while lying down. You can toss a sandbag or metal ball and catch it with your fingers.
Step 2
Finger grip is trained by exercising on the bar and holding a heavy object with the fingers. Hang from the bar until your fingers open. After a short rest, repeat the exercise. A barbell disc is suitable as a weight. Start with a 5 kg disc. Wrap your fingers around it and hold until it falls out of your hand. Increase the weight as you get used to.
Step 3
To develop dexterity, it is recommended to purchase jade balls with serifs, magnetic or metal balls. First rotate the two balls in your hand clockwise and counterclockwise. Try to keep the balls away from each other. When they spin easily, add a third ball. Aerobatics - simultaneous rotation of four balls.
Step 4
Flexibility training helps not only increase the mobility of the fingers, but also relieve tension from the hands. Bend your right hand, grasp the thumb of your right hand with your left hand, and pull towards the inside of your forearm. Then extend your hand and pull your thumb in the opposite direction, toward the outside of your forearm. Repeat the exercise for the left thumb.
Step 5
Pull the pinky of your right hand towards the pad of your thumb, pressing downward with your left hand. Stretch your ring finger, middle finger, and index finger in sequence. Then stretch your fingers towards the back of the hand. Do the same for the left hand. Stop the exercise if you experience severe pain. Develop finger flexibility gradually.