How to remove fat under the shoulder blades? This question is asked not only by males who seek to get a toned muscular figure, but also by girls who, due to improper diet and due to the absence of any power loads, have become the owners of this unpleasant baggage.

Step 1
Before removing fat from the shoulder blades, fully think over your training program, since too heavy loads can not only rid you of fat under the shoulder blades, but also make muscle mass out of it, which is completely useless for a woman, unless she is engaged in bodybuilding. To make your back slim and taut, do all the exercises often, but with minimal stress.
Step 2
Oddly enough, the most effective remedy that will help you lose weight and tighten your back is running and swimming. These are the most common exercises that we can easily do every day. Accordingly, sign up for the pool and get up early for your morning run. Swimming warms up the muscles of the back, since the shoulder blades and arms are very active. As a result, the fat gradually goes away. Running also involves constant movement of the arms, as a result of which the fat disappears. The main rule in this situation is to avoid passive loads on your back.
Step 3
You can also remove fat under the shoulder blades using power loads. Before starting a workout in the gym, be sure to consult with the instructor, ask him to choose the optimal set of exercises for you to achieve the desired result. There are many special machines for your back, so there will be plenty to do.
Step 4
In addition, you can exercise without the use of simulators. To remove excess fat on your shoulder blades and strengthen your back, do the following exercises: lie on a flat bench, on your back, pick up not very heavy dumbbells and spread your arms out to the sides. Inhaling, bring your hands together over your head, exhaling, spread them to the floor as low as possible.
Step 5
As mentioned above, perform exercises to reduce the amount of fat under the shoulder blades to zero quite often, but with small strength loads. For such purposes, dumbbells are ideal, which weigh no more than 2 kg. Do several approaches, each with 25-30 arm raises. Constantly alternate strength exercises with running and swimming and you will soon notice the result.