While exercise is a great way to deal with stress, it is usually a major shock to the body. If you end your workout with an ordinary fall on the sofa, then the muscles (and most importantly the heart) will wear out quickly and the sport will begin to have a detrimental effect on your health, and therefore it is very important to be able to properly complete the lesson.

Unload the body. Intense sports should not be interrupted immediately - even at school, children are forced to do breathing rest after five minutes of running. This helps to calm the heartbeat and relax the muscles. In practice, it is best to repeat the warm-up exercises at the end of the workout, but at a lower intensity. It is also helpful to take a few minutes to walk at a measured pace.
Stretch your muscles. Stretching is not an obligatory process, but it perfectly complements the "unloading" from the first paragraph and, moreover, has a beneficial effect on the ligaments. This can only be neglected by those who are engaged in weightlifting - acrobats, on the contrary, need to make this a mandatory end of each training session. Ultimately, stretched muscles can contract with much greater intensity and open up many more planes of force, making you much more mobile.
Drink only after training. A full stomach can greatly interfere with exercise, so while exercising, try to rinse your mouth only to ease your thirst. However, dehydration of the body must be compensated for, therefore, after class, be sure to drink from 300 to 500 milliliters of fluid, even if you do not particularly want to - this will help compensate for perspiration during exercise.
The faster you eat, the better. The muscles in the body develop due to "microtrauma", and that is why they hurt the next day: technically, they gradually break and grow overgrown. The sooner you supply the body with additional vitamins and proteins to compensate for the injuries, the more painless they will pass for you. Despite the fact that most athletes train away from home, after class it is advisable to "chew" at least something. One of the more convenient recipes is a chocolate bar (like Snickers) and 500 ml of soda (Sprite, Fanta). Glucose and caffeine will fill up a lot of calories and help you not feel too tired.