Cardio, or aerobic exercise, is any physical activity that causes a significant increase in heart rate. In this case, the cardiovascular system works most actively.

Step 1
Of the sports, cardio exercises include running, walking, swimming, cycling. Other activities such as climbing stairs, jumping rope, and aerobics can also be called cardio loads. A person with any health condition can do cardio loads, because the degree of load can be varied.
Step 2
Running is the most popular cardio workout. You can go jogging, endurance, interval jogging. There are a lot of techniques, but the result is always: strengthening the cardiovascular system, developing the muscles of the legs, reducing the fat layer. Jogging should be done in special sports shoes, because there is a risk of injuring the joints due to improper positioning of the legs.
Step 3
Aerobics is a cardio load available to everyone, which includes a set of exercises of varying intensity. There is aerobics for beginners, aerobics for the trained and intense aerobics. It can include strength elements, exercises with light weights, thus helping to strengthen all muscle groups. You can do aerobics in a group or on your own.
Step 4
Jumping rope is not an easy exercise that many may find too monotonous. But this is one of the most energy-consuming types of cardio workout. If you can handle a full hour of jumping, you will get rid of half of the calories you eat per day. Jumping rope is not suitable for everyone; it requires a healthy musculoskeletal system.
Step 5
Climbing stairs is another physical activity available to all, the energy costs of which are equated to those of jumping rope. There are even special simulators that simulate climbing stairs. By giving up elevators and escalators, you can inconspicuously burn a lot of calories.
Step 6
Walking is the easiest and most enjoyable cardio exercise, because you can choose a comfortable pace. But this is also the least energy-consuming physical activity, it causes a slight increase in heart rate. And the more often the heart beats, the more intensively the fat reserves are spent. We can say that walking has a predominantly tonic effect.
Step 7
Cycling actually imitates the movement of the legs when squatting, so it trains the corresponding leg muscles at the same time. The muscles of the lower leg and thighs receive a significant load. Driving mainly on a flat surface or downhill can hardly be called highly efficient; a heterogeneous landscape is required for a significant healing effect.