Triathlon is the most difficult Olympic equestrian sport. It includes dressage riding, field trials and overcoming obstacles. Eventing is included in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. The competition is held in Greenwich Park from 28 to 31 July and is attended by 75 athletes.

Equestrian Eventing was first included in the Olympic Games in 1912. Cavalry officers took part in it. These competitions showed how ready combat horses are for participation in hostilities and military parades, their abilities and physical fitness were tested.
Currently, eventing events usually take place over several days. First, the participants demonstrate the art of horse riding in the arena. Simple exercises are performed, which are evaluated on a 10-point scale. Then the total of the points for this competition, penalty points for errors and overdue time are calculated.
On the second day, the most difficult part of equestrian triathlon is held - field trials. During the competition, riders must complete a four-leg cross-country course. Horses must walk the first leg (A) with alternating gaits. In this case, the rider needs to calculate such a speed of the horse's movement in order to maintain its strength and at the same time not exceed the control time for passing this segment (penalty points are charged for this).
Participants then go through the steeplechase section (B). Horses must overcome obstacles without hitting them. The distance on the segment (C) must be covered in the same way as on the segment (A) - with a variable gait. The next leg of the path (D) is a cross. On a section of approximately eight kilometers, there are four non-destructible obstacles, they are installed on steep slopes, around bends, in the water. For exceeding the control time, falling and disobeying the horse, the rider is charged with penalty points.
The final part of the triathlon is the obstacle jumping competition (show jumping). They are held on a special field or in a closed arena, depending on the weather conditions. Participants must pass all obstacles. These are easily assembled structures up to 120 cm high. If the horse touches them when jumping over, they are destroyed. At the same time, penalty points are awarded for exceeding the control time, disobeying a horse, destroying obstacles, falling a horse or rider.
When summing up the results of the competition, the points for each competition are deducted from the highest amount of points that can be obtained in triathlon and the amount of penalty points is added. The athlete with the lowest number of penalty points for all days of the competition becomes the winner in the eventing.