The curvature of the press can be determined by looking at your ribs. If you see their asymmetry in shape and location, then this is the curvature of the press. Often it depends on the correctness of the exercises, posture. And in 99% of cases, this curvature is due to the uneven development of the skeleton. So it will not be impossible to fix such a natural feature, but rather difficult.

Step 1
First of all, you will need to perform various exercises for the press, but while observing strict symmetry, that is, do the exercises without distortions in any direction. Only in this case can everything come to the desired form.
Step 2
You can work out both in the gym on simulators and at home. Here is the first exercise that will help train the abs: first, assume a prone position, clasp your hands behind your head, and bend your legs at the knees. Start lifting your upper body so that each time you lift your elbows touching your knees. In the first stage, do not exceed ten or fifteen exercises. Increase them only gradually (up to 30, then up to 40, and so on). The main thing is not to take on an unbearable load, otherwise, instead of an even press, you will only achieve muscle stretching. In addition, practice daily or every other day for a quick effect. After all, it is better to perform 4 days a week for 15 exercises than then, having recollected himself, spend 60 at a time.
Step 3
The second exercise: lie on the floor and slowly raise your legs up until you reach an upright position. After that, smoothly return to the starting position and repeat the exercise. This technique will strengthen the muscles of the lower press. However, it should be noted that it is more difficult to pump it than the upper press. The fact is that in this area, in principle, there are no muscles trained in any way. In one workout, you can perform 2 or 3 sets of 8-10 exercises each.
Step 4
Here is a special exercise for the oblique abdominal muscles: while lying on your back, bend your knees and bring your feet together. Bend your legs first to the right, then to the left and vice versa. Try to keep your feet as close to the floor as possible each time. At the same time, keep your hands behind your head and make sure that the entire load falls on the press as much as possible and minimally on the neck muscles.