What Is Swimming For

What Is Swimming For
What Is Swimming For

Many people in our time are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle. Monitor your physical fitness. Everyone chooses the kind of sport they like. Someone visits the gym, paying special attention to the muscles, someone loves yoga, harmonizing the mind and body, and someone likes active exercises. Swimming is good because it has practically no contraindications and is multifunctional in terms of its effect on the body.

What is swimming for
What is swimming for

This type of active recreation helps not only to improve health, but also with its help you can lose weight, relax, get rid of stress. With the same intensity of exercise, physical activity on land is somewhat lower than in water. Therefore, in the same period of time in the pool, you will spend more energy than in the gym. But before you buy a subscription, try to decide on a specific goal. What you need: correct your figure, learn the basics of swimming, relieve stress, or just actively relax. The training program will vary from this.

If your plans include body shaping, then visit the pool at least three times a week. You need to swim almost non-stop at your maximum speed. During training, it is advisable to swim at least 800 meters. Keep in mind that the style should be changed every hundred meters. This should be done because each style gives its own load to a specific muscle group. After a few sessions, try swimming a long distance. Swimming is a great way to lose weight. In the crawl style, you can lose about 570 kilocalories per hour and shape the muscles of the arms and legs. Breaststroke will help burn up to 450 kcal, it develops the respiratory system, strengthens the muscles of the shoulder girdle and hip region.

Pregnant women can safely swim for 30-40 minutes per session. Swimming helps relieve stress on the spine, rests the legs and strengthens all muscles, which means it makes it easier to carry the baby and prepares the body for easier childbirth.

The best time to practice in the pool is between four and seven hours. In the morning, your body is still asleep, but in the evening it already requires rest. The diet should also be adjusted to the training regimen. It is advisable to swim on an empty stomach. You can grab a snack two hours before your workout, and then eat fruit or yogurt afterward.

If you feel insecure in the water, work out with a swimming instructor. He will explain to you how to breathe correctly, how to hold your head, which muscles should be tense. After that, you can proceed to independent training.

If you cannot or do not like to swim, you can try aqua aerobics classes. It gives no less load, but more varied.
