With the arrival of spring, the desire to be beautiful, attractive, desirable and charming, as usual, is exacerbated incredibly. Therefore, fitness is especially popular at this time of the year.

Step 1
But, working on gaining the coveted harmony through exercise, few people care about proper nutrition. And in vain: after all, the body in this period of time needs special support.
Step 2
The main thing to remember when composing your menu for the period of intensive training is that food should be as varied as possible. And this means that you can eat everything that only your soul requires. You should not deprive yourself of the joy of eating this or that product just because it is considered "harmful to the figure." After all, by sending a signal to our brain that it wants fish, nuts, cheese or bananas, the body makes it clear that it lacks those trace elements and vitamins that these products contain. And this shortage, of course, will affect your well-being.
Step 3
Here the question is quite pertinent: how is it possible, without denying yourself anything, not to gain those extra pounds that we are trying to get rid of by visiting the gym for training? The answer is just as commonplace: be careful. Eat more often, but little by little. After eating, you should not have a feeling of a full stomach. It will be correct if during the day you sit at the table 4 - 5 times instead of 2 or 3, but in terms of nutritional value, each meal should not exceed 200-300 calories.
Step 4
Going to a fitness club on an empty stomach is also not worth it. But you need to eat not before the training itself, but an hour and a half or two before it starts. At the same time, the diet should contain foods that are high in protein or simple carbohydrates - the benefits and intensity of training will increase. Immediately after training, when a tired body requires reimbursement of expended calories, you should also not pounce on food - it is better to drink water. Eating is possible no earlier than half an hour after the end of the class. By the way, water can be consumed in any quantity during classes.
Step 5
Raw vegetables, fruits, herbs, juices - all this should be on your table, and especially during training. And remember that your wisest advisor is your precious organism. Listen to it carefully, and you will win - that's for sure.