Dancing is not only a vivid way of expressing yourself. Many women choose dances for weight loss. In many ways, they are right: incendiary movements allow you to burn extra calories.

Of course, the number of calories burned during dance is not always as high as that spent during intense cardio training. But this does not detract from the merits of dancing. After all, how many emotions are born during a dance training, how much pleasure you get from them!
So, in order to lose weight through dancing, you need to choose the direction that you like. Which directions will burn the most calories? When dancing hip-hop, for example, you will lose up to 500 calories. Ballroom dancing and zumba are somewhat inferior: only about 400 kcal per hour of training.
If you want to strengthen muscles and burn excess fat, choose Zumba. Each workout is built competently and harmoniously: all muscles of the body are subjected to stress. This happens unobtrusively and almost imperceptibly - and all because of the pleasure that incendiary rhythms give.
Simple dance aerobics, in comparison with zumba, is somewhat outdated. Normal, uncomplicated movements do not always give the same load to the muscles.
Belly dance is recommended more for women who want to get back in shape after childbirth. The loads are not so big that there is no strength left after training. However, they give impressive results: the tummy gradually disappears, arms and hips are tightened.
For those who want to relax and feel beautiful and desirable, strip plastic is perfect. Each workout is aimed at working out the muscles, and no group will be left unattended. Especially the legs lose weight, of course.
For those whose legs are the most problematic area, Irish dancing can be advised. Vigorous jumping for an hour is literally exhausting, and after each workout, legs move with difficulty. But after a few months of regular training, the result becomes obvious.