Some people feel insecure because they are short. However, this problem can be solved. Poor diet and physical inactivity can often be the cause of short stature.

Step 1
Spend at least 30 minutes a day exercising to strengthen and stretch your muscles, or do your favorite sport.
Some sports promote growth, such as volleyball, basketball, swimming, cycling, and high jumping.
Step 2
Yoga classes can help add growth in adulthood. They also relax the body, free the mind and make the person more energetic. While good mental and physical health is very important in this process. Practice yoga for at least 30 minutes every day.
Step 3
Calcium is a mineral that directly contributes to the improvement of bone structure. It is one of the essential elements for bone development and growth. Consume foods rich in calcium, such as dairy, seafood, and soy.
Step 4
But calcium cannot do its job without enough vitamin D. Take 30-45 minutes of sunbathing every day between 6 am and 8 am. It is a natural source of vitamin D. In addition, foods such as shrimp, salmon, tuna, grains and dairy products are beneficial.
Step 5
Sleep 8 hours and an additional 30 minutes at noon. Do not go to bed later than 11 pm. Deep sleep will stimulate the release of growth hormones.
Step 6
To maintain health and increase growth, it is important to maintain a balanced diet consisting of nutrients such as calcium, protein, zinc, iron, vitamins A and D, etc. It is also beneficial to drink milk every day.
Step 7
Excessive consumption of alcohol and caffeine is very harmful to health in general and to growth in particular, because it leads to difficult absorption of nutrients and a lack of vitamins in the body.