The times when miniature ladies were in fashion, and gentlemen barely reached average height, are over. Therefore, many people are complex because of their insufficient height. You can correct the situation by doing exercises daily to increase growth.

Step 1
Place your feet about the width of your pelvic bones with your arms at your sides. Stand up on your toes, stretch your head and all spine up. You don't need to lift your shoulders.
Step 2
Remaining in the starting position, standing on tiptoe, put your straight arms behind your back and interlock your fingers. Stretch your arms back and your spine up. Repeat both versions of the exercise 15 times.
Step 3
The starting position is the same. Tilt your head alternately to one or the other shoulder, trying to touch it with your ear. Hands are relaxed and motionless. Thus, you stretch the cervical spine.
Step 4
You can increase growth with exercises by stretching all parts of the ridge. With your feet hip-width apart, keep your back and knees straight. As you exhale, fold in half, without bending in the lower back, and reach the floor with your fingertips. Over time, try to keep the surfaces touching your open palms.
Step 5
Standing in the starting position, tilt your straight body back, touching your thighs with your fingers, then your calves, then your heels.
Step 6
While in an upright position, bring your feet together and, folding in the lower back, touch your knees with your forehead. Repeat the exercise while sitting on the floor. The toes of the feet are pulled over themselves. This simple complex will help increase growth at home. But it's time to get down to more challenging stretches.
Step 7
Sit on the floor with your legs apart so that your hips form a right angle. Bend one knee with your heel against your groin. Bend your forehead to the other knee, keeping your back straight.
Step 8
Lie on your stomach with your arms extended upward. As you exhale, lift your legs off the floor, and pull your straight arms behind your head, arching your body like a boat. Hold for one inhalation and one exhalation, relax.
Step 9
The following exercises are very effective for increasing height. Sit on the floor, raise your straight legs so that they form a 90 ° angle with the body. Keeping your back, wrap your hands around your ankles and freeze for a while in this position. For beginners, the hands can be moved to the calves.
Step 10
Sitting, bend your knees and connect your feet to each other. Try to keep your knees touching the floor. Bend forward as much as you can.
Step 11
In the summer, a horizontal bar will help to increase growth at home. Start with a normal hang, arms shoulder-width apart and palms around the bar with the back of your palms facing you.
Step 12
Then move your straight legs, spreading them to the sides and walking through the air. For height-increasing exercises on the horizontal bar to be more effective, bend your knees, reaching with your heels to your hips, swing back and forth, and also do twists with your lower body at the waist.