Eating at night is very harmful. And not only because it hurts the figure. It has long been proven that late meals lead to rapid aging. But giving up a hearty dinner is very, very difficult, especially if you work late and there is no opportunity to eat at work. However, nothing is impossible for a person who has set a goal.

Step 1
Basically, they eat at night for two reasons: because of the feeling of hunger and because of boredom. The first reason is much easier to deal with. When you're hungry, drink a glass of hot green tea with a teaspoon of honey. Instead of tea, you can drink thick tomato juice, it will also give you a feeling of satiety. True, for a while. But a low-calorie liquid can be drunk even before bedtime, it will not harm the body.
Step 2
Be sure to eat around 5-6pm. Food taken at this time is not harmful. If you can't have a full dinner, drink a bottle of yogurt, a piece of fruit, or a handful of nuts. After such a snack in the evening, you will not experience an increased appetite.
Step 3
In the afternoon, do not eat food flavored with spices, because they exacerbate the appetite. For dinner, it is best to have boiled lean meat and vegetables. After such a dinner, you will not feel hungry for a long time.
Step 4
To avoid eating at night, you can use reflexes and fears. For example, brush your teeth. After this action, a conditioned reflex will work for you, because it is not recommended to eat after an evening brushing of your teeth. Hang pictures of very fat people on the fridge. Every time you want to get food, these photos will provoke unpleasant thoughts. You can also look at pictures of very slender people (or imagine them) so that you have an incentive not to eat.
Step 5
Use aromatherapy to combat hunger. When you're hungry, sniff a citrus rind, light a fruity aroma lamp, or apply a drop of perfume over your upper lip. The centers of smell and hunger are located nearby, so after feeling a pleasant smell, you want to eat less.

Step 6
It is much more difficult not to eat at night if you have nothing to do. Boredom drives many people to go to the refrigerator. Therefore, it is better to occupy the evening with useful things. If not, take a hot bubble bath or a couple of drops of essential oils. This procedure will help you relax, dull your hunger and keep you busy for a while.
Step 7
You can also go in for sports. It works in a similar way - it reduces appetite and takes time. After physical exertion, you want to eat less, and you can spend the whole evening on this activity.