How To Swing Properly

How To Swing Properly
How To Swing Properly

If you come to the gym to pump up, then it is important to learn a few rules. Mistakes made in the first steps can then significantly slow down your progress. If in doubt, do not hesitate to seek the advice of a coach or more experienced colleagues.

How to swing properly
How to swing properly

Who shouldn't swing

Sometimes teenagers seek to gain muscle mass. But if you are not yet 14 years old, then take your time to do strength exercises. Bones up to this age are still quite plastic, so heavy weights can lead to irreversible consequences. You should train without weights, it is best to practice on horizontal bars and uneven bars. Self-weight is the only allowable burden.


Since you are gaining mass, then you must consume more than spend. Therefore, you need to increase the calorie content of your diet. The amount of protein food should be brought to 30%, about 10% should be left for fats, the rest is carbohydrates.

You need to eat regularly, and you will have to do this much more often than before. You should eat about every 4 hours, while it is better to avoid fast food and "wrong" snacks, it is better to eat not a sandwich, but some nuts or fruits, if there is no way to eat normally. Be sure to eat something high in protein within an hour after your workout.

Frequent meals can speed up the metabolism, and after that the muscles will grow faster. Protein food serves as the main source of nutrition for them.


When exercising, do basic exercises and avoid isolating ones. Build up the load gradually, do not strive to immediately take heavy weights and do a lot of repetitions. The fact is that in order to gain mass, you will need to increase the load, and this is not easy to do if you immediately took the maximum.

Don't exercise too often. An hour or an hour and a half 3 times a week is enough.

Don't forget all the muscles. For example, it is not uncommon for bodybuilders to pay attention to the back, and without this, progress significantly slows down or even stops.


Muscle does not grow during exercise, but during rest. This is why you shouldn't train too often. Remember sleep patterns. Sleep should be 9-11 hours, as long as you need. You should wake up refreshed and energized. Adequate sleep is a prerequisite for muscle growth. If there is an opportunity to relax during the day, this will also not be superfluous.

Workout diary

Keep a diary in which you will record your workouts, what you eat, and changes. This is useful for analyzing your own actions and identifying errors. With the diary, you will always know what exercises to do today, as well as how much to rest. It is important to note how much protein you ate per day.
