To pump up the biceps of the shoulder or, as it is also called, the biceps muscle, you can use a set of special exercises. It is enough to give training for 30-40 minutes, 2-3 times a week. At the same time, it is recommended to gradually increase the load to achieve maximum results.

Step 1
One of the main exercises for pumping up the biceps of the shoulder is the barbell lift. Take the starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Take the barbell with a lower grip, palms facing up. Keep your back straight without bending the spine. Bend your arms slightly at the elbows. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, lift the barbell to chest level. Stay in this position. Exhale and contract your biceps. Slowly lower the barbell to the floor. Pay attention to your posture while doing the exercise.
Step 2
Use the dumbbell lifting exercise when pumping up the biceps of the shoulder. Sit up straight with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep the dumbbells on straight arms, lowered down. Turn your palms inward. Take a deep breath and hold your breath. Start lifting the dumbbells at the same time. Once your forearms are parallel to the floor, gently turn your hands outward. At the same time, continue lifting the dumbbells up. Having reached the top point, exhale. Extend your biceps as much as possible. Return to starting position.
Step 3
Perform pull-ups on the bar. This exercise will also help build your shoulder biceps. Grab the bar with your bottom grip. Gradually pull yourself up until your chin is above the horizontal bar. Stay in this position for a few seconds. Slowly lower yourself down. Repeat the exercise 8-10 times, 3-4 sets.
Step 4
When pumping up the biceps of the shoulder, as well as other muscles of the body, do not forget about proper and balanced nutrition. Eliminate fried, fatty, spicy, and sweet foods from your diet. Eat more protein foods and dairy products. Include fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meats (chicken, beef) in your diet.