How To Train Strength

How To Train Strength
How To Train Strength

Table of contents:


If you want to get strong, you don't have to pump iron for hours in the gym. You can also train at home. We will show you how you can develop strength by exercising for an hour a day.

How to train strength
How to train strength


Step 1

Start each workout with a warm-up. Any kind of physical activity other than stretching will work for the main part of the warm-up. Then prepare the muscles that you will train. For these purposes, use the main exercise, but do it not at full strength.

Step 2

When exercising, strike a balance between exercises aimed at training specific muscle groups and training large muscle groups.

Step 3

Do strength training for no more than one hour a day. Remember, longer sessions will be ineffective, they will only lead you to overwork.

Step 4

Check the intensity of each exercise. If you cannot do an exercise more than eight times, reduce the load slightly.

Step 5

Repeat the exercises 8 to 12 times in one set. If you repeat them more times, then you develop not strength, but endurance. The number of exercises should be the same: from 8 to 12. And approaches - no more than two per workout.

Step 6

In the first half of the session, do exercises that will work large muscles. In the second half of the session, engage the small muscles.

Step 7

Pay attention to the speed of each exercise. Exercise slowly to build strength. Also do the intervals between exercises. Ideally, this interval will be from two to five minutes.

And remember, quality is still more important than quantity. Therefore, of course, you need to increase both the load and the number of repetitions. But, first of all, if you want to develop strength, you must perform each exercise with high quality and with a full range of motion.

Good luck and be strong!
