Strength is an important physical quality of a person, necessary both in sports and in everyday life. The indicators of strength are especially clearly manifested in weightlifting, in powerlifting, in shot put, in arm wrestling and in Greco-Roman wrestling, where it is necessary to counteract external resistance through muscular efforts, or to overcome it. How do you determine muscle strength?

Step 1
Muscle strength can be determined using dynamometers of various designs. Hand muscle strength is determined by a Collen dynamometer. The dynamometer is placed in the palm of your hand and squeezed with your fingers with maximum effort. The result on the scoreboard is an indicator of strength. With different positions of the elbow joint, the strength of the muscles of the hand changes. It will be higher in the free position of the elbow joint with an angle of 160-170 degrees in relation to the shoulder. In the bent state (10-15 degrees), the force indicator will decrease, and in the maximally unbent state (190-200 degrees) it will become minimal. According to numerous studies, weightlifters have the highest strength indicators. The body dynamometer measures the strength of the trunk extensors. Complex dynamometric installations can measure the indicators of almost all large muscles of a person: flexors and extensors of the hip, muscles of the shoulders, flexors of the trunk, etc. Dynamometers are equipped with physical training dispensaries to monitor the dynamics of the growth of physical indicators of athletes.
Step 2
In a gym, the dynamic strength of the muscles is determined by the maximum performance in a particular exercise. In weightlifting, maximum strength is revealed in two competitive exercises - the snatch and the clean and jerk. In powerlifting - in the bench press, squat and deadlift. The load on the muscles in the two sports is different, because in order to perform a snatch, it is also necessary to accelerate the projectile, to show explosive force.
Step 3
If you are not new to weight lifting and regularly visit the gym for at least a month, then you can measure the dynamic strength of the muscles yourself. First, warm up well with an empty bar (do 10-12 reps), then gradually add weight on the bar and reduce the number of repetitions. When you feel that the weight of the bar is close to the limit, perform 1 repetition and gradually add the discs with each new approach. Be sure to use belay on exercises such as squats and bench presses. The insurance is carried out by trained athletes from both sides. When doing squats and deadlifts, be sure to wear a belt and keep your back straight.