The bench press is one of the basic strength exercises. The value of the bench press in "building" the body can hardly be overestimated. Doing the back flexion exercise can significantly increase working and maximum weights.

Knowing the correct backpressure technique can help you achieve great results in a short amount of time. There are several nuances that are also worth focusing on.
First you need to grab the bar with the correct grip. There are two most acceptable options: a grip on the "line" of the bar (applied by the manufacturer of the bar) and a grip across the width of the shoulders. If there is a trainee nearby, it is advisable to ask him to "insure" - during the press of large weights this is especially important.
The next preparatory stage is the back arch itself. It is necessary, firmly holding on to the barbell, "roll up" under it. To do this, the shoulders must be firmly pressed to the bench and as much as possible "direct" the rest of the body to the shoulders. Straighten your chest, strain your back.
Now you can start the deflection press directly. Remove the barbell from the racks, very slowly lower it to your chest. A common beginner's mistake is to "throw" the barbell on the chest for a "quick" press. This approach is not only ineffective, but also traumatic. Firstly, on "heavy" weights, the barbell that instantly fell on the chest will not "let itself be squeezed" - the muscles will not be ready for this. Secondly, the very fall of the barbell can damage the chest. Therefore, you need to lower the bar slowly, excluding inertia, by spreading the shoulders. Pressing with triceps and biceps is appropriate in other cases - the press with a deflection allows you to squeeze the maximum, and you can only reach the maximum with the help of large shoulder muscles.
The final "chord" is a victorious lifting of the bar after touching the chest. The touch itself is necessary both psychologically and to increase the amplitude of the bench press. Slow lowering of the bar by spreading the shoulders, as it were, pulled the "bowstring". A lot of energy has accumulated in my hands - it's time to throw out "all anger" on the barbell. The ascent, in contrast to the "descent", should be a fast continuous movement, as explosive as possible. After the bench press, send the barbell to the racks - this is where the help of a partner will come in handy.
Training strategy
Rest between sets is just as important as pressing effort. During the break, it is advisable to completely relax, restore breathing. A couple of jokes told to a partner will help defuse the tension and prepare for the next "run."
It is advisable to do bench press workouts with a deflection no more than twice a week - otherwise you will exhaust the body's resources.
Little tricks
Using gloves or chalk will help lift heavy weights. Hand protection from calluses on record sets is critical. If you decide to use gloves, it is advisable to purchase a set with "open fingers" - this way you can more reliably control the bar. The use of chalk is less protective against calluses than gloves, but it provides an even greater “neck feel”.
Exercises for back flexibility will help to perform a bench press with a high quality. Also, don't forget the importance of warming up before training even the best athletes.