Fat folds on the back attract the attention of few. After all, a person does not see his back. And if he doesn't see, then he doesn't worry. However, putting on clothes with an open back and admiring yourself in the mirror, it is difficult not to notice these fatty "wings". They look, of course, awful, but their presence is not a sentence, but a call to action.

Step 1
Diet: Go on a diet. The weight loss diet is based on one principle, which is that a person who wants to lose weight should consume less calories than they expend. At the same time, nutrition must be balanced. Unbalanced or too low-calorie (some manage to cut their diet to 3-4 hundred kilocalories per day at a rate of 2-2.5 thousand) threatens that the metabolism slows down, the body goes into a state of siege, and you will get fat even from a sip of water.
Step 2
Exercise Physical activity is an essential attribute of any weight loss. Exercises will quickly smooth out any folds, even on the back, even on other parts of the body. Try the following exercises twice a day: - Getting on all fours, resting on your hands and knees, stretch your right arm and left leg forward at the same time. Hold in the pose for a few seconds, then return to the starting position, and then extend your left arm and right leg forward. This is one repeat. Such repetitions must be done at least 10; - lie on the floor - on your stomach. Hands along the body. As you inhale, raise your arms, legs, lift your shoulders and hips off the floor and hold this position for a few seconds. Get down on the floor and relax. This effective back exercise should be repeated at least 10 times. Make sure to include aerobic exercise (cardio) that burns fat well in your daily workouts. Don't neglect dumbbells. Only with their help can a good shape of the upper body and arms be acquired.
Step 3
Lifestyle The lifestyle you lead cannot but reflect on your appearance. No wonder they say that he who sows a habit will reap fate. And your daily ritual habits have led you to where you are now. You know perfectly well those habits that have brought you to the state in which you are. Make an inventory of them, and gradually replace each one with a healthier one. Moreover, the key word here is “gradually.” Replace the habit of eating fatty and hearty meals with, say, an evening walk (by the way, a person must walk at least 10,000 steps a day, which is about 5 kilometers). Try going for a walk while the family is sitting down to a hearty, unhealthy dinner. And the benefits and no temptations. Redefine your favorite weekend pastime. Instead of eating candy in front of the TV, go for a bike ride or go out with the kids, for example. Etc.