How To Play Volleyball

How To Play Volleyball
How To Play Volleyball

There are many volleyball fans in the world. It is interesting not only for spectators and professional players. Due to its availability, millions of people play volleyball at the amateur level. Beginners will find helpful advice on how to play volleyball.

How to play volleyball
How to play volleyball

Volleyball is played on a 9 m wide and 18 m long court. Professional courts are always indoors, while amateurs can also play outdoors. The limitation for professionals is due to the fact that a light volleyball in windy weather can strongly change its direction of flight. The volleyball court is divided in half by a net, the height of which is 2.43 m for men and 2.24 m for women. The court is divided into six zones, each of which has one player.

Purpose of the game

Two teams of 6 people are each located in their own half. The object of the game is to force the ball to touch the floor on the opponent's court, or to force the ball to go out-of-bounds to prevent the opposing player from touching. In this case, a winning point is awarded. With 25 points, the team wins the set. The match continues until one of the teams wins 3 sets. The maximum duration of a match is 5 sets. In the decisive 5 set, teams play up to 15 points.

The subtleties of the game.

The player serving the ball tries to complicate it to such an extent as to force the opponent to make a mistake - either the ball touches the floor, or the receivers make a mistake and send the ball out-of-bounds. Then the winning team is awarded a point and the server continues his work. The receiving side can make a maximum of 3 touches, after which it must ferry the ball to the opponent's side. If she managed to earn a point, then the service goes to her, and the players of this team move clockwise to the next zone. This continues until one of the sides wins 25 points, or until one of the teams gains 2 points. An important component of volleyball is the block. It is placed by the front line players in order to prevent the opponent from carrying out an attacking blow. If the ball touches the block, it will not count for the receiving team.

Learning to play volleyball is not difficult. Practice shows that when playing several times a week, even beginners reach a good amateur level in about six months. In addition, this is a non-contact sport and, therefore, injuries during the game are very rare. But he helps to constantly keep fit and always be in good shape. This is a game for people of all ages and professions.
