Many people looking to lose weight want immediate results. They believe that it is possible to lose 1 kg per day and think that it will be safe for their body. However, starving and dieting can lead to serious problems.

Weight loss physiology
The human body, like all the particles of the world on planet Earth, obeys the laws of physics, and in particular the law of conservation of energy. That is, ideally, he seeks to use as much energy with food as he spends during the day. In order to lose those extra pounds, you must stop feeding them. That is, you need to spend much more energy than you use it.
How to quickly lose fat without harm to beauty. Is it possible to?
Experts have found that the maximum amount of fat that can be lost in a day of complete starvation is only 200 g. And the rest of the weight that a person loses is water and muscle mass. As a result, the goal of losing weight - to become more beautiful and slimmer - is not achieved. Phyto-teas for weight loss and dietary supplements work similarly. They simply remove excess fluid from the body and can lead to dehydration.
It is usually not possible to quickly lose fat without harm to appearance, since a person's body weight increases over the years. And a sharp weight loss leads primarily to sagging of the skin. The skin cannot cope with the rapid loss of body volume. And then you have to turn to the help of cosmetologists to get rid of the excesses.
Therefore, it is recommended to lose weight gradually - 1 kg per month, on complex diets. After the diet, you need to increase the calories also little by little, so that there is no return to the previous weight. Classes with special gymnastics help effective weight loss: Pilates, body flex. Weight loss is slow but steady.
Urgent weight loss is harmful to health
Some people dream of losing weight immediately for some important event. They start starving or on a rigid diet. This, of course, can give a visible and quick result. But, as a rule, it is short-lived. Since the body, after the stress inflicted on it, can gain more kilograms than it had before the diet.
A person needs a certain amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and minerals every day. And hard mono diets usually consist of one or two foods. They impoverish the diet of those who are losing weight to such an extent that they often lead to a disruption in the endocrine system. And complete fasting is generally dangerous to carry out without the supervision of a nutritionist. There are known cases of death after an illiterate exit from hunger. An abrupt exit from any diet is not harmless either.
The most effective way to lose weight is not even dieting, but simply limiting the amount of food you eat. Eat, preferably in small portions, but more often. Thus, the stomach will contract. And in the future, he will need much less food for saturation. Losing weight quickly is fraught with consequences that can be difficult to get rid of.