8 Good Reasons To Start Doing The Plank Every Day

8 Good Reasons To Start Doing The Plank Every Day
8 Good Reasons To Start Doing The Plank Every Day

Plank - how much in this sound … Sports coaches sing dithyrambs to her in all languages of the world. And not without reason! Indeed, this exercise alone contains great power. Having started to stand in the bar every day, after a month you can get a visible result.

8 good reasons to start doing the plank every day
8 good reasons to start doing the plank every day

Only a person who has ever stood on the bar knows the real value of time. The word "minute" for him is not an abstract concept, but a thing perceptible to every muscle. Why exactly a minute? And all because your first classes will begin precisely from this mark. Gradually, you will build up time and pace, but for now, just start slowly practicing.

Remember that the main wisdom of planking is regularity, orderliness and persistence. As you embark on your daily exercise routine, think about the benefits of this truly magical habit.

1. Firstly, the plank will strengthen the whole body at once in a comprehensive manner. It most favorably engages the major muscle groups, including the oblique and transverse.

2. Secondly, it will make you stronger. After all, this is logical. The body is strengthened - endurance increases.

3. Relieve back pain. When performing this exercise, the back muscles are greatly strengthened. Thus, by subjecting them to stress, you will avoid possible injuries in the future and forget about the daily unpleasant sensations in this area.

4. Equilibrium. Coordination of movements is well trained. If earlier you could not even imagine yourself standing on one leg for a long time with your eyes closed, with the appearance of a plank in your life, everything will change. You will be able to bring the body into a state of balance with a snap of your fingers.


5. Posture. It will become straight! Just imagine, no more hook-like awkward positions. With your whole body you will feel an irresistible urge to sit and walk upright. "Royal posture" is not a dream, but a completely achievable milestone.


6. Flexibility. Together with the bar, she will come to life. Exercising regularly will stretch your muscles. Thus, the body will begin to slowly come out of the stiff state. It will thaw and become more pliable, plastic.


7. Figure. That over which the lion's share of the fairer sex grieves. But the bar will solve this issue too. It is more effective than other exercises to speed up the metabolism. By quickly burning fat, the body acquires the cherished relief.


8. Good mood. The bar is simply designed to fight the blues. Exercise has a positive effect on the nervous system. A stressed body involuntarily contracts muscles, thereby causing anxiety. Standing in a plank, you stretch all the muscles, teaching them to work correctly. With constant training, the blues will give way to tone and vigor.


And to make it easier for you to embark on the path of beauty and great mood - a video with the best selection of exercises for different types of planks for you. Start doing them today. And every day you will notice how your body is changing and transforming. Therefore, leave aside all doubts and get started!
