How To Start Exercising Every Morning

How To Start Exercising Every Morning
How To Start Exercising Every Morning

Many people promise themselves to start playing sports or just start doing exercises every morning. This usually happens on New Year's Eve! As a rule, such promises are not kept. Why? Because there is no clearly developed plan for how to make your promise come true.

Get started charging
Get started charging

The easiest way to start exercising is to start small, literally small. From the very first little step.

Each of us has a daily morning ritual: this is a sequence of things that we are used to in the morning, without which we almost always feel uncomfortable. For example: alarm clock 3 times, wake up, look out the window, stretch, brush our teeth, shower, underwear, coffee, watch the phone, shine shoes, clothes again, leave the house. Does it look like you? Maybe.

What should be done? Just insert one or two simple physical exercises into this list one day, which are very easy for you, which you may even love. For example, twisting your back in different directions (this is nice and similar to stretching!) Or rotating your head.

Exercises that are simple and enjoyable for you do not cause you rejection and do not require serious physical effort from you personally. Literally 1-1.5 minutes for 1-2 exercises. They twisted my back, stretched my neck. And stop! Enough for a start. Insert this “neck and back minute” about immediately after a shower and somewhere before coffee (as an option!). Believe me, it's not difficult and simple!

Otherwise, do not change anything. Everything is still your normal morning routine. Only 1, 5 minutes were added for the neck (back).

And so act the next day, just do not forget about the "insert".

Believe me, in 5-7 days you will begin to feel the need for this neck workout and discomfort in its absence. Moreover, you will want to expand your warm-up and feel the urge to increase the number of exercises! At this stage, just gradually expand the list of exercises: on the arms, shoulders, pelvis, etc. Take your time, enjoy it.

This is how it works. Bottom line: you do exercises every morning and you want to do it!
