We Do Hand Exercises At Home

We Do Hand Exercises At Home
We Do Hand Exercises At Home

Table of contents:


As you balance, adjust to the new equipment, you’ll notice that your workout has begun to feel more like a fun game than not doing your daily fitness minimum.

Replacing the dumbbells with a breast augmentation machine will help diversify your activities. Isn't he? Then pick up an expander, a rubber tourniquet. When doing lunges, steps, squats, use a moon stepper, step, or unstable balancing platforms like bosu. Haven't got them for your home gym yet? Don't be scary: use a low stool, a book (but note that the devices must be able to support your weight).

We do hand exercises at home
We do hand exercises at home


Step 1

Breeding hands

Stand up straight, hold the machine in your hands to improve the shape of the chest with a reverse grip (so that the palms are facing you). The elbows are slightly bent. Raise the machine to chest level. As you inhale, stretch the simulator to the sides, as you exhale, return your arms to their original position. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times. What to replace? Use an expander or hard rubber band.

Step 2

Elaboration of the triceps

Attach the expander. The left foot is on the platform, the right is on the floor. Tilt the body forward. Grasp the expander with your right hand. Pulling your elbow back and pulling the shoulder blade to the spine, bring the expander closer to your stomach. Return to starting position. Do the exercise 20 times, then switch arms and legs. What to replace? Use a stiff rubber band or elastic to hold it with your foot.

Step 3

Working out the biceps

Starting position as in the previous exercise. Place your right elbow on the knee of the same name. Take the expander with your right hand and, bending your elbow, pull it to your right shoulder. Movement should only take place in the elbow joint. Do 10-15 reps and then change hands. What to replace? Use a hard rubber band or elastic band.
