Isometric gymnastics is a real find for modern people who value every minute. It is accessible, all exercises are performed on the go, between times and, in essence, are not much different from ordinary movements, but they require rhythmic, deep breathing and more muscle tension.

Step 1
Don't jump out of bed right away in the morning. Lying on your back, stretch your arms along your torso and forcefully press your head into the pillow. Then raise your arms, bent at the elbows and press your palms together with force. Sit in bed, stretch your legs and press firmly with the sole of one foot against the sole of the other. Then lower your legs to the floor and, wrapping your hands around your knees, spread them, overcoming the resistance of your hands.
Step 2
After getting out of bed, rise on your toes and take a deep breath, lower yourself onto your feet and exhale. When making your bed, bend over so that your legs and torso form a right angle, with your back straight and your stomach pulled in.
Step 3
While washing your face, draw in your stomach as much as you can (do not hold your breath), and then completely relax. As you brush your teeth, slowly climb onto your toes and then move onto your heels. Took a towel to dry off, stretch it in both directions. This is a very good posture exercise.
Step 4
At the workplace (if, of course, you have a sedentary job), lean on the seat of a chair, lift your feet up from the floor and try to raise your torso on your hands, and then sit down slowly. If your hands are tired of working at the computer for a long time, join your palms and rub them very quickly against each other until you feel a strong warmth. Then rub your hands together (as if you were washing them) and shake completely relaxed hands several times.
Step 5
You can do some exercises in the car when you are in a traffic jam or in front of a traffic light. grasp the steering wheel with both hands and stretch them firmly without letting go of the steering wheel. Relax and repeat again. You got out of the car. Put your hands on the trunk and push down hard on it. Then, standing on one leg, tuck the other under the bumper and try to "lift" it along with the machine. Repeat the movement with the other leg.
Step 6
In the evening, while sitting in front of the TV, place your socks and heels together. Alternately, with effort, lift your socks without lifting your heels off the floor, simulating walking uphill. Repeat the exercise at least 60 times.