What Is Exercise For?

What Is Exercise For?
What Is Exercise For?

In the modern world, people spend most of their time in a sitting position. This has a very negative effect on human health. Therefore, it is necessary to engage in physical education. Exercise is very beneficial for maintaining health, longevity, beauty, and mental balance.

What is exercise for?
What is exercise for?

Almost everyone understands that physical education is very important for health, but not everyone, due to some circumstances, does it. A person needs to develop his physical abilities. And the main incentive should be the fact of maintaining and improving health. It's never too late to start training, because physical activity is beneficial for people of all ages, it stimulates mental activity, improves memory. This is because exercise promotes the formation of brain cells (neurons). Regular exercise prevents heart disease. Reduces LDL cholesterol, which contributes to clogged arteries. Increases HDL cholesterol. It carries fats from the arteries to the liver, where they are converted to bile. This is because exercise increases the production of certain substances in the liver muscles that alter cholesterol metabolism, and exercise helps maintain normal blood sugar levels, which can prevent diabetes. In obese people, physical activity lowers blood pressure without changing body weight. Scientists have proven that physically active people reduce the risk of breast and colon cancer, ischemic, hemorrhagic stroke. Exercise helps to maintain the strength of bone tissue, thereby protecting against the development of osteoporosis. Exercise has a beneficial effect on metabolism by increasing energy expenditure. What helps a person get rid of extra pounds and maintain a normal body weight, even without resorting to diets. An active lifestyle can improve your sex life. Exercise improves the work of muscles, the cardiovascular system, improves tone, increases the body's endurance. In men, the risk of impotence and erectile dysfunction is reduced. Sports increases the functioning of the brain substances that are responsible for pleasure, thereby reducing the onset of symptoms of depression. It has been proven that 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough to get rid of depression. Regular exercise can help reduce negative changes during the transition to menopause.
