The belt is an important attribute when practicing this or that kind of martial art. The ability to tie a belt correctly says a lot. First of all, it is an indicator of a serious approach to training. Also, a properly tied belt symbolizes the harmony of body and soul, therefore, everyone who decides to practice must master the art of correctly putting on the belt on their own.

Step 1
Tie a karate belt. Place a 3-meter belt in front of you at belly level. Take the center of the belt and place it on your belly. Wrap the belt around yourself, making an overlap behind your back. Bring the ends of the belt back to the front. Make the left end slightly lower. Bring the left end over the right and pass it from bottom to top through the belt located on the stomach.
Step 2
Take both ends of the belt and form a regular knot. Please note: you need to tie a knot in the opposite direction from the previously obtained knot. Check the remaining ends to make sure the steps are correct, they must be of equal size.
Step 3
Tie a sambo belt. Choose a belt in lengths from 2, 8 to 3, 2. To get the right length, tie the belt and make sure the edges are below the edge of the jacket and above the knees. Find the middle of the belt. Place it on your stomach and wrap it tightly around you. Line up the ends of the belt.
Step 4
Take the left end of the belt in your right hand. The right end is to the left. Wrap the left end with the right end and pry off the belt located on the stomach. Thread the top end into the resulting loop. Without tightening the loop formed at the top, thread the lower end. You will have the correct horizontal knot.
Step 5
Tie a kudo belt. The length of the belt depends on your height and build, the width is 4 cm. The technology of forming the correct kudo knot practically coincides with the sambo knot. The fundamental difference is that at the end, having formed a loop for threading the lower part of the belt, pass the belt into the loop, directing it between the two turns on the stomach.