The ability to strike quickly is an essential element in the training of any fighter. The faster the blow is struck, the less chances the enemy has to build a quality defense. In addition, the force of the blow is directly proportional to the speed of its application. Equally carefully, you need to train both the speed of the arms and the speed of the legs, because in order to deliver a good blow, the interaction of all parts of the body is necessary.

It is necessary
- - light dumbbells;
- - heavy medicine ball;
- - natsennaya pillow;
- - a bag of sand.
Step 1
Pick up half-kilogram dumbbells. Do the shadow boxing exercise for 5-10 minutes at a fast pace every day. Do not take too heavy a weight, this can lead to a violation of the hitting technique.
Step 2
Hit the wall cushion with maximum force. One hit is performed for 3 seconds. The load is 50-60 strokes in one round. Complete 10 rounds in total. The rest break is no more than a minute.
Step 3
Do plyometric exercises such as push-ups to develop your punching speed. Take a lying position. Slowly bend your elbows and lower your body down until your chest touches the floor. Then push your body upward. You must have time to clap your hands while the body is in the flight phase.
Step 4
Play badminton for an hour, three times a week. This lesson trains your instant reaction and the ability to quickly respond to enemy movements. It is badminton Jet Li that he calls the basis of his famous explosive reaction.
Step 5
Hit the sandbag quickly. When striking, twist your forearm and strike with the knuckles of the middle and index fingers. This will allow you to strike with maximum force.
Step 6
Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your arms along your body. Sit down, pulling your pelvis back so that your knees do not go beyond the toe line. Jump up with force and bring your knees to your chest. Land softly and jump again immediately. Make jumps one after another without stopping. Start with 3-5 sets of 10-20 reps. This exercise is a must in sprinter training and allows you to develop explosive leg response.
Step 7
Stand facing the wall at a distance of 2-3 meters. Throw a heavy medicine ball from your chest into the wall with force. Get the medicine ball to bounce into your hands.
Step 8
Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise the heavy medicine ball over your head. Throw the medicine ball to the floor with force, as if you are trying to break it. Strive for the highest bounce possible.
Step 9
Eliminate biceps exercises from your workouts. Well-developed biceps prevent the arm from relaxing, which is a prerequisite for a quick lash.