How To Make Your Legs Slimmer

How To Make Your Legs Slimmer
How To Make Your Legs Slimmer

Table of contents:


Slender legs are the result of a complex of physical exercises, balanced nutrition and, possibly, anti-cellulite procedures. If you significantly lose weight, then anti-cellulite programs will help you quickly tone your skin and "smooth out" the remains of the fat layer.

How to make your legs slimmer
How to make your legs slimmer


Step 1

Do two types of exercise: muscle building and weight loss. If you give your legs only "burning" loads, then even those who have lost weight will not look very attractive. Slender legs are necessarily taut and elastic muscles.

Step 2

Start with a warm-up session. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean forward, do not bend your knees. Try to reach the floor with your fingers. For easier exercise, you can spread your feet a little wider. Perform 10-15 bends.

Step 3

Lie on your stomach, bend your legs, grab your feet with your hands. Raise your upper body and at the same time pull your legs towards your head with your hands. Feel the pull on the front of your thighs.

Step 4

Lie on your back, lift your legs up, bend one, pull the other with your hands to your chest until you feel tension in the muscle.

Step 5

Start fat burning exercises. Swing forward, sideways, and backward from a standing position. Start with 10 reps in each direction on each leg.

Step 6

Raise the straightened leg as much as possible forward, then you will work out the front surface of the thigh well. When swinging to the side, make sure that the legs move in the same plane with the body, without going forward or backward. When swinging back, do not allow tension in the lower back. It is the gluteus muscle that should work.

Step 7

Instead of swinging, you can run, jump rope, ride an exercise bike. A very effective type of exercise is cycling (aka spinning). This is a high-intensity stationary bike workout, during which the trainer changes the load and speed, adds body bends, arm curls, and extreme accelerations. As a result, the development of the whole body is achieved, and the muscles of the legs in particular.

Step 8

The next step is to do muscle building exercises. They are not aimed at excessive muscle growth, but at strengthening them and achieving a beautiful "trained" relief. This group includes classic squats, lunges, plie squats, and deadlifts.

Step 9

Place your feet shoulder-width apart and do squats - inhaling downward, exhaling upward. Make sure that your back is straight and your stomach is pulled in. Shift your body weight to your heels.

Step 10

Plie squats are performed from the following position: spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders, turn your feet so that they stand in one line: toes out, heels in. Do deep squats. In this position, the inner surface of the thigh is well worked out.

Step 11

Put your feet shoulder-width apart, pick up small dumbbells, a pancake or bar from the bar. Lock your back straight, draw in your stomach and perform forward bends. You should feel the back muscle tighten. With greater burden, this exercise forms a beautiful bulging biceps of the thigh and removes from it "dimples" on the fat layer, which are often noticeable even on fairly slender legs.

Step 12

Begin all exercises in 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions, gradually increasing the number and load. At the end of each exercise, you need to feel tension and slight muscle fatigue.

Step 13

Finish the workout with a stretch, pulling well on all working muscles. This will give them a nice oblong shape.

Step 14

Don't forget about proper nutrition. After training 2-3 hours it is better not to eat. Then the body will use its internal reserves.
