Popular Myths About Sports Nutrition

Popular Myths About Sports Nutrition
Popular Myths About Sports Nutrition

The desire to have toned muscles, a beautiful figure and a good mood in friendly rows leads us to gyms and fitness clubs. The first step on this path is striving for a goal. The second is active support of the body during training periods.

Popular myths about sports nutrition
Popular myths about sports nutrition

TOP 7 incredible misconceptions

Sports nutrition is increasingly catching the eye of athletes and ordinary people. Specialized boutiques are opening in shopping centers. And on the Internet, online catalogs beckon with an abundance of goods. Such popularity has given rise to numerous myths about sports nutrition, many misinterpretations and outright lies. All kinds of expertise help to uncover the truth about products for athletes. Let's dwell on them.

Myth # 1. Sports drinks are not needed for those who exercise less than an hour

Sports drinks contain electrolytes, including sodium, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Substances are designed to replace the shortage that forms during exercise, when these elements are lost along with sweat. Sports drinks also contain carbohydrates to provide energy for long workouts. However, if an athlete has been exercising for less than an hour, they can also use profile drinks to quench their thirst instead of water. In this case, after training, he will not experience exhausting mental and physical fatigue. The level of good hydration of his body will be maintained.

Myth No. 2. Sports nutrition is created only for athletes

This statement is only partly true. Of course, athletes use specialized products to improve their performance, gain the desired shape and muscle structure. But it cannot be said that sports nutrition cannot be taken by ordinary people. You may not play sports, but there are all kinds of bars and supplements to improve energy balance, eliminate hunger, restore vitamins and minerals. The main rule is to choose products of this category wisely and use them without violating the recommendations of the manufacturers.

Myth No. 3. Sports nutrition is bad for health, and protein kills internal organs

This is not true, because all sports nutrition products approved for sale are certified and have undergone careful control of supervisory authorities in the countries of production and on the territory of Russia. The products are safe for health and well-being if the reception standards are followed.

A protein shake can easily replace dinner, eliminate hunger and discomfort. In addition, it contains valuable micro and macro elements that the body needs. Protein supplements help to fill the lack of protein, with the help of which beautiful muscle definition is built. Protein helps to strengthen immune forces and normalize metabolic processes. Another fact that justifies protein is its composition. Most often it is a natural product based on milk whey, which is famous for its beneficial properties.

Myth number 4. Sports nutrition disrupts the liver and kidneys

This is an outright lie, because sports food is not comparable to tablets and other products of the pharmaceutical industry. Research has been carried out on this issue several times. In particular, the scientific staff of the American College of Sports Medicine in 2006 denied the harmful effect of sports nutrition on the filtration organs of the human body. A little later, the American Dietetic Association (ADA) did it.

Myth number 5. Fat burner will help you lose weight without sports

Not at all, because no fat burner will do all the work for you. It will simply speed up metabolic processes in the body and help burn body fat faster during exercise, converting useless and ugly fat into energy that is so necessary for conquering sports peaks. As for nutrition, it should be balanced, without excesses and a large number of prohibited foods.

Myth No. 6. Foods containing sugar should not be consumed before exercise

Eating carbohydrates leads to the release of insulin. A relatively small number of athletes have hypoglycemia, in which low blood sugar limits the access of energy to the muscles. Research shows that consuming carbohydrates 1 hour before exercise helps athletes achieve optimal performance levels and the energy they need to increase endurance and strength.

Myth No. 7. Sports nutrition reduces potency

This is a lie, which, however, was not born entirely from scratch. Glorified sports nutrition as drugs that kill sex drive, harmful steroids. But today, almost everyone knows about this quality of them, as well as about other not very pleasant consequences of admission. Modern sports nutrition does not contain harmful additives. The correct calculation of the dose of sports nutrition is also important. When taken wisely, you will feel young, healthy and strong. And your body will change its contours for health benefits.
