How To Put A Jumper

How To Put A Jumper
How To Put A Jumper

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When the hard drives use an 80-wire cable (IDE ribbon cable), you can connect two devices on one ribbon cable, "connected" with jumpers. A typical jumper is a jumper that determines the advantage of one hard drive when installing the second and additional ones. Its idea is to short-circuit two contacts on the motherboard.

How to put a jumper
How to put a jumper


Step 1

The main one will be called "master" - the main system is loaded from it, and the minor one - "slave". This is indicated by the inscriptions on the jumper and on the board. A diagram is usually located nearby, which indicates the different positions of the jumpers. This scheme is not universal, it is different for each model and different manufacturers. Connection information can also be found on the manufacturer's website by computer model.

Step 2

It is possible not to assign a strictly master / slave to a device, but to install Cable Select. When the computer is running, the disks will be distributed by themselves, which of them is dominant and which is secondary. This happens by connecting the device to one or another connector on the loop.

Step 3

In fact, the terms Master and Slave are very abstract, the "master" drive has no advantage over the hard drive configured as "slave". But as a rule, the hard disk will be the main one when connecting, and the CD-ROM will be secondary.

Step 4

When connecting the second hard drive, load one of the loops with two hard disks, while defining the "Master" and "Slave" on the motherboard.

Step 5

Connect the CD-ROM with the second cable to the second channel on the motherboard and set "Master" on it. If the system has one hard disk and a CD-ROM, then it will be correct to determine their place on different cables so as not to load the controller.
