Those looking to lose weight often turn their attention to cardiovascular equipment. But they are good not only in helping to lose weight, but also for training and strengthening the human cardiac system, developing the respiratory system and increasing overall endurance.

Experts and trainers recommend people who want to lose weight to exercise on cardiovascular equipment. To make the right choice, take a close look at two of the most popular machines: the treadmill and the elliptical.
This is a simulator that allows you to simulate a treadmill track indoors.
- This simulator is a movement simulator that engages all muscle groups as in natural walking
- Strengthening of muscles and bones, formation and maintenance of correct posture, balance and stability
- When exercising on a treadmill, a large number of calories are burned due to natural movement without aids
- Simulators, as a rule, have several programs and modes, which allows you to change parameters as needed, preventing the body from getting used to monotonous workouts (this function is absent in the ellipsoid)
- When training on this simulator, there is a great load on the joints, especially the spine and knees.
- With an improperly selected program, excessive exertion or frequent training, joint problems can arise in those who have not been bothered by such problems before.
- Possibility of injury due to moving belt.
- Cost and dimensions.
Elliptical Trainer
The arm movements back and forth with the long handles are reminiscent of those performed by skiers. Otherwise, this is a completely different mechanism with platforms for the legs.
- The movement does not create a great deal of stress on the joints.
- This machine has a reverse stroke to work out those muscles that are not involved during the forward movement.
- It has no self-propelled parts making it safer to use.
- More affordable cost and compactness.
- When walking on an ellipsoid, there is no contact with the ground that is present when walking naturally.
- Inability to maintain a uniform pace and speed of movement.
- The inability to customize and change programs for individual training, so that they do not become monotonous and monotonous.
Comparing all the pros and cons, we can conclude that the treadmill will be more effective in terms of weight loss. But only those people who do not have serious health problems, in particular with joints, can afford it. If there are such ailments, then it will be better and more useful to pay attention to the elliptical trainer. The process will not be so fast and will require control, but the problem with the joints will not worsen, and new ones will definitely not be added to it.