Top 5 Weight Loss Simulators

Top 5 Weight Loss Simulators
Top 5 Weight Loss Simulators

A weight loss machine is an essential part of almost all gyms. Moreover, a technique that is effective in weight loss procedures is also used by fans of strength training as a must to achieve the desired physical shape and lose extra pounds.

Top 5 weight loss simulators
Top 5 weight loss simulators

The cheapest and easiest weight loss trainer - jump rope

This device is an indispensable attribute of sports and gyms. The rope is used both by girls who want to become thinner and by brutal boxers.

The three main advantages with the high efficiency of this simulator, which make it possible to put the rope in the first place of the TOP-rating, are low price, ease of use and ease of storage, in contrast to more bulky devices.

The use of a rope is very effective in the fight against excess weight, especially with cellulite on the thighs.

This mini-trainer will not allow you to build up very muscular legs, but it will create the tone they need so much and contribute to weight loss.

Elliptical (ellipsoid) trainer

This device combines three sports equipment at once - an exercise bike, a treadmill and a stepper. The simulator's pedals allow you to simulate a natural human step, since they do not describe a perfect circle, but, as the name suggests, an ellipse.

For an hour of walking on such a device, you can burn up to 850 kcal, using your hands in training, which move the upper planks of the simulator. In addition, unlike an exercise bike and a treadmill, the elliptical is shown at the initial loads of an unprepared body, does not injure the knees and allows you to lose weight rather quickly.

Traditional exercise bike

Such a device as closely as possible simulates riding a regular bicycle, which is difficult to carry out, for example, in the winter season. The design of an exercise bike is relatively simple - it is a stationary bike with a flywheel under the front wheel.

But, unlike the previous device, when working on an exercise bike, the lumbar spine is practically not used, which makes its indicators somewhat more modest - about 650 kcal in 40-60 minutes.

Such a simulator can be combined with fairly mundane homework. For example, watching TV.


Considered the best symbol of a healthy and successful person, this simulator is an excellent example of aerobic exercise. The treadmill can be used to set the running speed and intensity, as well as the incline of the treadmill to simulate, for example, going uphill.

For an hour of intense training, you can burn up to 700-800 kcal. Nevertheless, this type of exercise is contraindicated for overweight people, as it can have a negative effect on the knee joints and cause new, sometimes quite serious, injuries. Therefore, professional trainers recommend using treadmills only for already trained people.

Traditional steppers and their mini-varieties

This device is an imitation of two or three steps, which the exercising person ascends and then descends. The angle of inclination of the "steps" can also be adjusted by adding and releasing the load.

More advanced stepper models also have handrails that make it easier to use the weight loss machine. Due to the load on the legs and buttocks, the device allows you to reduce up to 500 kcal per hour. However, the stepper has the same contraindications as the treadmill - it is better not to use it for very dense people.
