The main element in an attacking player's arsenal is called an attacking blow. The height of skill in carrying out such a technique is considered to be the rapid return of the ball, as a result of which the ball immediately appears on the opponent's field. The sharper the blow, the more difficult it will be for the opponent's defender to handle the flying ball. There are many things that can only be worked out in practice, but there are basic principles by adhering to which you will be more successful when attacking in volleyball.

Step 1
Trajectory. When attacking, a lot depends on a correctly calculated trajectory of the ball. It depends on the height of the net, the proximity to it and the height at which the attacker hit the ball. The farther the ball is from the net, the more difficult it is to break it closer to the net, the higher the attacker must jump.
Step 2
Takeoff run. The direction of the run also affects the trajectory of the ball. Having run up, the player must apply his momentum in such a way that he can jump vertically upward during the jump. It often happens that a player jumps not only in height, but also slightly forward, while losing the opportunity to deliver a sharp blow close to the net.
Step 3
The angle of repulsion. The ability to sharply change the angle of repulsion before the jump itself provides the best opportunity for maximum straightening of your body from the lateral position. This, in turn, will allow you to accept an inaccurately passed ball and put maximum force into the counterpunch.
Step 4
Methods of impact: - The attacker straightens the body in the jump, and all the work is done by the arm making a dash forward. In this case, the forearm moves forward, and a hand folded with a pinch hits the ball itself. Then the entire hand is lowered onto the ball, the base of the palm touches the ball, and the fingertips transmit the last impulse to the ball. With this method, the pass is not always accurate, especially if the hand touches the ball not in front, but from the side or above him. - The attacker bends at the moment of flight backward, making a backward swing of the hand as well. At the highest point of the jump, the player quickly straightens. At the moment of impact, the arm is tense in the wrist, elbow and shoulder. In this case, the pass must be very accurate, the ball at the moment of impact is always in front of the player. The impact force with this method is impressive, because the speed of a sports projectile can reach 50 meters per second.