The outcomes of many competitions and matches in modern sports can be predicted in advance. The main thing is to know what event to make a forecast for and what to be guided by when making such a forecast.

Choice of sport and tournament
Prediction of the results of sporting events is based on many factors. To begin with, you should make a preliminary forecast. This is a kind of starting point, an initial judgment, to which new ones will be added later.
To make a preliminary forecast, you need to choose a sport in which you have certain knowledge. For example, if you are into football, you shouldn't predict the results in auto racing or curling.
The next step is choosing a tournament for forecasting. If you do not have information about minor championships, choose the leading tournaments: they always talk and write a lot about them, this will allow you to get your bearings. The opposite situation also happens - a person has information about little-known teams. In this case, he can use his advantage in the game with the bookmakers.
So, the sport and the tournament have been selected, a preliminary forecast has been made. After that, you can proceed to the analysis of various factors.
Subjective factors
These are aspects related to the motivation of teams and players. These factors include everything that can affect the concentration of the participants, their desire to win. As a rule, we are talking about emotional moments: a great desire to beat your former team, the presence of personal conflicts within the team, lack of motivation due to missed chances for a general victory in the tournament, etc.
Objective factors
This category includes indicators that reflect the level of athletes and teams. Statistics usually come to the rescue. You can see the results of recent matches and draw a conclusion about the form in which the competitor is. For example, if a team has won the last few games, it means that it is now on the rise. However, one should take into account the strength of the defeated rivals - perhaps it was not so great.
On the other hand, a successful streak always ends. According to the theory of probability, even a brilliantly playing team will lose someday. Capturing this moment is a very difficult task, but if it is successfully completed, you will receive a good payoff.
Additional Information
The opinion of experts in a particular sport can give a lot of useful information. You can also familiarize yourself with the forecasts given by professional players in bookmakers. But do not blindly copy someone's choice - always make the final conclusions yourself, because the responsibility, one way or another, lies with you.