At the Swiss Carolina University, the Anti-Doping Commission (WADA) found inconsistencies with the requirements of international standards.

According to the newspaper "Soviet Sport", the coach responsible for the shooting training of Norwegian biathletes Siegfried Maze voted in favor of revoking the accreditation of the anti-doping center located in the capital of Sweden.
“We held a coaching meeting on December 5 in Slovenian Pokljuka. The topic of doping in Russia was not discussed, - quotes the statement of Siegfried Maze "Match TV".
- We know that Russian biathletes have experienced many problems due to doping. We do not have information about what happened in Stockholm, we do not know what will happen next.
In the spring, Sweden will host the Biathlon World Championships. Members of the IBU Commission did not provide information about what will follow after the withdrawal of accreditation from the Swedes. My opinion is that all biathlon teams are equal before the law.
The Russian biathlon team was punished for being accused of doping. It follows from this that the IBU needs to proceed with the investigation of the case concerning the violations in Stockholm. No action was taken regarding these events."

This summer, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) suspended part of the work of the Stockholm center at Karolinska University. The decision was made due to the fact that the research center ceased to meet the necessary requirements (ISL).