Today the fitness industry offers a huge variety of all kinds of training complexes and, it would seem, finding something new for yourself is not so easy, but it is still possible. CrossFit is a young, but already insanely popular training system in many countries of the world. In Russia, this direction has been developing not so long ago, but, despite this, it is rapidly gaining popularity.
![What is CrossFit and how to start doing it What is CrossFit and how to start doing it](
CrossFit originated in the USA. Initially, it was used to train firefighters, but over time, this system went beyond the scope of this profession and formed a whole sports direction. Now all over the world every year athletes take part in CrossFit competitions. In Russia, the competition has been held since 2012, attracting more and more participants every year.
CrossFit is a circular loop of defined exercises that must be done in a short amount of time. At the same time, there are specific features that distinguish CrossFit from other circuit training:
- the system of these exercises consists of 3 main elements - gymnastics, athletics and aerobics, which develop dexterity, strength and endurance in an athlete.
- at the same time, the exercises are not performed separately from each other, but represent a certain functional training, harmoniously combining both simple exercises (swings, lunges, jumping rope, etc.) and heavy ones (bench press, jerks, deadlifts, etc.)). Cardio exercises (running, swimming, etc.) that develop endurance, which you cannot do without in crossfit, are an integral part of it.
is not a specialized fitness program, it does not carry a competitive aspect. This is a kind of optimizer of human abilities of the physical plane (endurance, strength, flexibility, accuracy, agility, power) and their combinations (strength + agility, flexibility + balance, etc.).
The idea of CrossFit carries a whole sports philosophy. This concept has harmoniously blended into the modern rhythm of life, and is an excellent method of improving not only general physical fitness, but also firmness of spirit and character.
Almost anyone can start doing the CrossFit system if they have a great desire. Based on individual physical data, an initial exercise system is selected. For training on this system, it is best to look for specialized crossfit gyms and work with a personal trainer. At the same time, it is best to treat the training process responsibly, with a good mood and patience. Then, subject to regularity, you can get not only a beautiful and strong body and strengthen your health, but also educate willpower and temper your character.
A beginner or a person who has just decided to start mastering the CrossFit system should understand that for this it is necessary to have a certain initial physical training. The sport is very high intensity and many exercises are done with sufficient strength. Therefore, if a person does not have special training, then it is worth starting training only after a medical examination and under close coaching guidance. Do not rush and do everything at once. Only a gradual correct distribution of physical activity can bring to excellent results later and bring to a new physical level.
Before you go in search of a gym and a trainer for CrossFit, you can try circuit training at home and evaluate your physical fitness. This is a set of simple exercises that do not require any special equipment and are available to any person:
- squats with dumbbells up to 10 kg (10 times);
- push-ups from the floor (for girls it is possible from the knees, 10 times);
- lunges with a step backward with weighting (10 times);
- dumbbell traction up to 10 kg in a bent body position (10 times);
- exercise on the press (10 times).
It is necessary to complete 3-4 approaches, without pauses and rest in a circular mode.
For endurance warm-ups, you can use running in a circle, cycling, or jumping rope. In the latter case, you can set the goal either to perform the exercise for a certain time, or to perform a certain specified number of jumps. To complicate the task - to complete a certain number of jumps in the allotted period of time.
Such training will prepare the body for heavy loads.
When exercising, it is imperative to monitor your well-being and prevent an excessive increase in heart rate. You need to calculate the pulse at the beginning and after the circuit training. For beginners, the increase from the initial one should not exceed 75%. Within a minute, the pulse should drop to the number - the initial + 20%.