For loving parents, it doesn't matter whether they have a boy or a girl. And yet, sometimes there is a desire to give birth to a child of a certain gender, for example, there is already a son, and I want to have a daughter as well.

A person's sex is determined by a combination of special chromosomes - sex, which have two varieties: X and Y. The female chromosome set is XX, the male chromosome is XY. Sex cells contain a haploid (half) chromosome set, possessing only one sex chromosome. The egg can only have an X chromosome, there are no others in the female body, and in the sperm either X or Y. Thus, the sex of the child is determined by which sex chromosome carries the only sperm that will connect to the egg during fertilization. To conceive a girl, you need an X chromosome.
There are special diets that promote the conception of a child of a certain gender, but their effect on the embryo at an early stage, when a woman does not yet know that she is pregnant, has not been studied enough. These diets are risky.
In essence, the process resembles a lottery, which is very difficult to influence the course of. Someone will call it "the will of God", someone - "the game of blind chance." And yet there are certain patterns.
Sperm with different sex chromosomes are somewhat different from each other. Y-sperm are more sensitive to the alkaline environment of the vagina. It is neutralized by the secret released during orgasm. Consequently, if a woman has not experienced an orgasm, Y-sperm will have much less chance of meeting an egg: they will die, thereby "giving a chance" to X-spermatozoa.
Self-observation will help to avoid orgasm. If a woman notices that most often she has an orgasm in the morning, it means that you need to have sex in the evening. You should explain to your husband exactly what actions on his part lead to orgasm, and ask him to refrain from such actions.
It should be understood that all attempts to influence the sex of the child only increase the likelihood of conceiving a girl, but do not guarantee a 100% result.
The death of "unwanted" male cells with chromosome Y in the alkaline environment of the vagina will be the more likely, the longer the path to the cervix is. To increase the distance, sex is necessary in a position that does not involve deep penetration of the penis into the vagina. This distinguishes, for example, the position that is commonly called "missionary."
X spermatozoa are less motile than those carrying the Y chromosome, but they live a little longer. To take advantage of this distinction, a woman must study her menstrual cycle very well and know exactly when she is ovulating. You can calculate this period using the following formula: subtract 17 from the usual cycle length and count the resulting number of days from the first day of the last menstruation. For example, a cycle usually lasts 25 days, the last period began on March 1, therefore, ovulation should start on March 9.
You can use special ovulation tests for several months. They resemble pregnancy tests, but react to other hormones and should not be used immediately after sleep, but between 10:00 and 20:00.
Having established with the help of calculations and tests, how many days after the onset of menstruation a woman ovulates, you can get down to business. You need to start having sex immediately after your period is over, and three days before ovulation you will either have to abstain or use condoms. Within three days, most of the Y-sperm will die, and the X-sperm will survive, and the conception of the girl will be ensured.