Many girls, upon learning about their pregnancy, especially if she is the first, begin to build their behavior in such a way as if they have found a serious illness. You should be more careful, but you should not tie up with physical activity, because childbirth is also a kind of physical activity, for which the body must be well prepared.

For pregnant women, aqua aerobics is very useful, since water has the property of regulating body temperature. It is impossible to make any sudden movements in the water, and it is also impossible to overheat or overcool. Regular aerobics classes are also encouraged, but extra care should be taken during them to avoid the possibility of falls and bumps. Yoga is useful for those who want to learn how to breathe correctly, which is very important during childbirth. Running is allowed only for one hour a day, no more. If you focus on jogging, then it should be carried out at such a pace that you can talk calmly and at the same time not feel short of breath. If suddenly it becomes hot during a run, it is better to take a break: sit or just walk at a calm pace. Also, no one cancels cycling. You should not ride a bike where there are many bumps and obstacles.

During pregnancy, in no case should you give up ordinary walking. It is better to walk in parks, squares and areas where there is the least amount of exhaust gases, and if the walk fell in the summer season, then you should not get under the influence of direct sunlight. Swimming can be considered along with aqua aerobics. Pay particular attention to protecting against all kinds of vaginal infections. To avoid this, you need to use a tampon. In no case should you give up professional sports if these activities took place before pregnancy. It is quite possible to continue them up to a five-month period, only a little in a lightweight mode.

However, there are also those sports that are strictly prohibited during pregnancy. These include skiing and ice skating, rollerblading, tennis, badminton, golf, windsurfing. Such classes are allowed in a sparing mode for those who, even before pregnancy, were engaged in one of the above. Again, be careful. And it is natural that volleyball, basketball, diving, martial arts and parachute jumping will have to be completely forgotten during the period of bearing a child. Even if there were professional occupations in these areas. With a strong desire, you can find something that will be suitable in this individual case, and not stop playing sports altogether.
It is worth remembering that another life lives and develops inside, so constant observance of caution will not be at all superfluous.