Taekwondo Is A Sport For The Soul

Taekwondo Is A Sport For The Soul
Taekwondo Is A Sport For The Soul

Lessons in the Korean system of hand-to-hand combat taekwondo will heal the body, teach how to defend, strengthen the spirit. The main feature of taekwondo is that the emphasis is on the use of the legs.

Taekwondo is a sport for the soul
Taekwondo is a sport for the soul

Features of taekwondo

Taekwondo is not just a sport, it is a complex complex of physical and spiritual practices, which, with due diligence, can significantly improve a person's capabilities and his state of mind.

The effectiveness of taekwondo has been proven not only in sports arenas, but also in scientific institutions, where the physical parameters of people actively involved in this type of martial art were studied. Numerous scientific observations have shown that taekwondo really has a general strengthening and healing effect on the body, normalizes and regulates all body functions.

Taekwondo is an art, not just a fighting skill. A person engaged in taekwondo becomes purposeful, humane, fair and honest, reaches a high level of self-discipline, which helps him not only in his studies, but also in everyday life.

The taekwondo system is very effective, even a person who is initially physically weak, very soon comprehends simple self-defense techniques and can stand up for himself in a fight with a stronger, but unprepared opponent. That is why it is recommended to practice taekwondo for women as well. Stories about how even novice athletes deal with obsessive fans are not at all a myth - a girl who has mastered the basic techniques of taekwondo is opposed even to a large man.

You can distinguish a beginner from a master by the color of the belt, and in taekwondo, belts are awarded not for victories, but for the intensity of training.

Only systematic exercises will make it possible to achieve success in this sport. Taekwondo masters perform all their movements automatically, this can be achieved by anyone who spends enough time in the gym. Taekwondo exercises consist in the repetition of certain movements, students are sure to do stretching.

Taekwondo teaches you not only to deliver your own strong blows, but also to use the force of the opponent's movement to defeat him. Even a slight, but correct blow, redirecting the enemy's movements in the right direction, is able to knock him down. No wonder in ancient times, the main goal of fighting techniques was to knock the rider out of the saddle with his foot in a jump.

Taekwondo history

Modern taekwondo appeared only in the middle of the 20th century, when the unification of this type of martial arts was carried out with the use of other Korean types of self-defense. In the first half of the 20th century, Korea was occupied for a long time by the Japanese, who completely banned all Korean types of martial arts, but the masters managed to secretly preserve and pass on the tradition to descendants.

In 1980, taekwondo was recognized as an Olympic sport.

After taekwondo was unified, it began to gain world fame, more and more people in many countries began to engage in this type of martial arts.
