The correct selection of equipment and, in particular, fins is the main condition for comfortable underwater diving. This accessory should sit on you so that, ideally, you do not feel them on your feet at all when you move in the water. The choice of fins for scuba diving is necessary according to the geography of the dives, your physical parameters and your swimming style.

Step 1
For diving in the cold water of the reservoirs of Russia, divers usually use "wet" wetsuits, which are also supplied with special bots. For this type of outfit, you need open toe and heel fins that are attached to your foot with an adjustable attachment. For "dry" "hydrics" with bots, such fins are also suitable.
Step 2
Most often, diving enthusiasts prefer the warm waters of the southern seas, rich in the fabulous beauty of the underwater world. In this case, choose closed fins 1-1.5 sizes larger. This will allow the fin to stay on the leg quite freely, not to fall off it, not to rub or restrict movement.
Step 3
If you prefer an energetic diving style, short but “fast” distances, sharp dives, choose fins with more stiffness. They will allow you to move faster in the water, but will require a lot of physical strength. For this style, fins with a longitudinal cut are also suitable, working in the water like a propeller, moving it back. With less effort, you can cover long distances with the least amount of leg movement.
Step 4
For those who like to turn their swim into a stress-free and unhurried underwater trip, elastic traditional fins are suitable, which do not allow to develop high speed, but provide comfortable movement without much effort. As for the length, for snorkeling - pleasure swimming, a 55-65 cm long fins will be enough, but for spearfishing, choose longer fins - 85-90 cm.
Step 5
Please note that for ease of movement, the center of water pressure on the working surface of the fin should be as close as possible to the point where the swimmer's leg is applied. This is ensured when, with the legs and toes extended, the working blade makes an angle with the feet equal to 20-30 degrees. In hard, straight fins, when moving in the water, the athlete has to pull the toes of his feet harder, which can cause cramps during prolonged swimming.