The First Olympic Games: A History Of Development

The First Olympic Games: A History Of Development
The First Olympic Games: A History Of Development

The Olympic Games are an incredible sight that everyone who is in any way connected with sports awaits. Only the best athletes who are worthy of participation are sent to the Olympic Games. Historically, performing at sports games has been a great honor for an athlete.

olympic games history
olympic games history

How it all began

The birthplace of the Olympic Games is Ancient Greece. The games were invented in honor of the main Deity of Greece - Zeus and were held every four years. The venue for the games has become. The Olympic Games were of great importance to everyone. During the games, even wars ended, and a temporary truce was declared.

Every resident wanted to see these games. A lot of people came to Olympia. Some traveled on foot, and some sailed on huge ships. For every Greek game. There were an incredible number of people. The people wanted at least one eye to see the great Greek athletes.

disk thrower
disk thrower

The man who won and took first place in the Olympic Games lived for his own pleasure. Everything was for him. For the winner, celebrations were made in his honor, hymns were sung and statues were erected. Winner. The life of the winner was a fairy tale. Even the Olympian's children enjoyed popularity and many privileges.

The Greeks competed among themselves in various sports: running, fistfights, jumping, throwing, and the like. The most dangerous was the chariot race. However, it was very strange that, not the one who painfully controlled them.

There are a lot of myths and legends about the Olympic Games. One such legend tells that. Nobody knows whether this is true or not.

Olympics Zeus
Olympics Zeus

There are also references to the Olympic Games in the literature. For example, Excavations have shown that five huge stadiums for the Olympic Games were specially built in Greece.

Modern Olympic Games

and from now on it was held every four years. The games were initiated by Pierre de Coubertin. He believed that this is simply necessary for young people.

Most. For this, the Olympic Committee was created. Demetrius Vikelas became its president.

From now on it has become a tradition. The idea of the Olympic Games has captured the whole of Europe. State games began to be organized, which were watched by many countries.

Winter sports

Everyone knows that the Olympic Games were held in the summer. One day, it was decided that. After all, winter sports have a huge number of popular disciplines. It started on January 25, 1924. Most. There were sports such as figure skating, hockey, ski jumping and more.

Later, the Winter Olympics became as popular as the summer ones.

Women have also taken part in the modern Olympic Games. However, it is known that
