What Kinds Of Sports Claim The Title Of Olympic

What Kinds Of Sports Claim The Title Of Olympic
What Kinds Of Sports Claim The Title Of Olympic

The list of sports called Olympic sports is regularly updated with new disciplines. True, this is happening rather slowly. And representatives of many sports federations dream of their favorite type of competition included in the Olympic program.

What kinds of sports claim the title of Olympic
What kinds of sports claim the title of Olympic

One of the contenders for inclusion in the Olympic list is the popular Ultimate Frisbee game. It is a team competition. A flying disc is used as a basic projectile. There are two teams involved. On the field, they are distributed in two opposite zones. The thrown disc must land in the opponent's half. The closer to the far edge the projectile falls, the more points the team will receive. If one of the players is unable to immediately throw the disc to the desired distance, he must pass the pass to another member of his team. The main task is to prevent rivals from intercepting the projectile. The versatility of the game lies in the fact that you can compete both on the field and in the gym. Tournaments in this sport are held in different countries, including the Russian Federation.

The Chess Federation also dreams of being included in the Olympic list. Officially, this game was recognized as one of the sports in 1999. And from that moment on, chess players all over the world want to play games within the framework of the international championship.

Members of the International SAMBO Federation also want to see their representatives in the rings at Olympic venues. Moreover, this sport meets the necessary conditions for its admission to the world championship. However, so far the International Olympic Committee is in no hurry to include sambo in the Olympic program.

The inclusion of various sports in the program of the Olympic Games is quite seriously regulated. A particular discipline can be approved only if more than half of the members of the International Olympic Committee's commission vote for it. The decision to expand the program of international competitions must be taken at least 7 years before the athletes can compete for the first time at the Olympics.

The sport accepted on the list must necessarily comply with the Olympic Charter. According to her, the candidate must be distributed in no less than 75 countries, at least on 4 continents for men. In the women's group, this rate has been reduced - 40 countries and 3 continents. In terms of winter activities, a winter sport claiming to be included in the Olympic list is to be extended to 25 countries and three continents.

In addition, the duties of the federation of the sport that is planned to be included in the number of Olympic disciplines is to comply with the anti-doping code. Also, the sport should be attractive to advertisers and young fans. This is due to the fact that, according to statistics, interest among young people in the Olympics is falling. Therefore, it is necessary to inject new blood into it so that it again becomes interesting for people of any age, and not just those over 35.

The International Olympic Committee has introduced a proposal that significantly complicates the process of getting a sport into the list of Olympic disciplines. According to it, it is proposed to replace any already obsolete sport with one new sport. However, hardly anyone wants to give up their place in the world championship.
