The treadmill is a versatile alternative to morning jogging. The only difference is that the load must be increased at a slower pace than during normal running, because with the latter you can slow down and choose the time to rest, while on the treadmill you must manually adjust the speed, otherwise you will run everything time in one rhythm.

Step 1
First of all, remember that a warm-up must take place on the treadmill before each session. Rotate your body, stretch your hip and shoulder joints, and be sure to warm up your knees.
Step 2
If possible, use a ragged rhythm on the treadmill. This will maximize muscle stress. If such a mode is not provided, change it manually. First, set the slow mode, after that - medium, switch to fast for five to ten minutes, after which - again to medium. Switch between medium and fast paces for maximum endurance gains and weight loss.
Step 3
Be sure to follow the correct diet: give up heavy and fatty foods, try to limit yourself to meat and sweets. Drink as much water as possible to compensate for fluid loss during exercise. Do not eat anything an hour and a half before and an hour and a half after training. Do not eat anything after six in the evening, in case of severe hunger, do with dried fruits or vegetables. It is advisable to exercise on a treadmill in the evening in order to burn all the calories accumulated during the day, minimizing the amount in the body.