An expander is an indispensable item for training at home. With the help of a chest expander, you can train any muscle groups, you just need to take a little initiative.

When can a chest expander be useful?
1. You went to the dacha, to your parents in the village, and you don't want to miss the training.
2. Do not have time to go to training, because plans have changed, unforeseen circumstances have arisen.
3. You just want a lighter workout.
Naturally, the expander is not a substitute for real weight training, but it will help you to keep fit.
What exercises can you do with this "simulator"? Yes, absolutely any!
1. Simulated bench press. Lying on the floor, take the expander behind your back, hug yourself with it from the back and perform hand pressing movements. Exercise works the chest and triceps.
2. Imitation of bending arms with dumbbells. Hold the expander with one foot, that is, step on it and hold it so that it is taut. Take the other side with your hand and bend your arm at the elbow joint. The exercise works great for the biceps.
3. Imitation of the French bench press alternately with dumbbells. With one hand, hold the expander behind your back, and with the other, do overhead extensions in exactly the same way as the French press. Loads triceps well.
4. Imitation of pulling a dumbbell to a belt. This is probably the simplest thing you can think of. With any foot we step on one end of the inventory and, holding on to the other side, we pull to the belt, having previously tilted our straight back forward.
These are examples of basic exercises that can be done with a chest expander. You can also do any other exercise. For example, on deltas, traps, forearms, etc. With a little imagination, you can do a good workout at home.