Channels And Chakras In Yoga

Channels And Chakras In Yoga
Channels And Chakras In Yoga

Yoga teaches us to polish all our manifestations. The same should be done with our mind and senses. As we know from ancient sources, what is commonly called our body is not a body, but rather a group of bodies. These groups are permeated with numerous channels, nadis. Prana circulates through the channels, which holds these three groups of bodies together.

Channels and chakras in yoga
Channels and chakras in yoga

The channels are woven by themselves into large knots. The nodes are called chakras or lotuses. And these plexuses, in turn, are penetrated by the Sushumna or the central channel of the human body. Sushumna separates our Consciousness, which is located in the crown of the head, it is often depicted as a lotus with a thousand petals, and Energy, which is called the Kundalini energy.

On the basis of this, we once formed our bodies long ago. Something we have worked out better, something worse. During our many lives, we have polluted some channels, some are not yet developed in our country.

It takes a long time to find the channels and the dirt that has accumulated in them. It could take billions of lives. But if we go forward and develop with yoga methods, then our development will go faster and more efficiently.

In order to find the methods ourselves that will help make our bodies more perfect, and our Higher Self to know ourselves, we will lose, as already mentioned above, millions of lives.

But yogis and yoginis of ancient times gave us a gift. They have already discovered this knowledge for themselves, reached unprecedented heights in self-knowledge and kindly provided us with their best practices in the form of yoga practice and theory.

Thanks to these practices, visualizations, meditations, we can significantly accelerate our spiritual development. Using the methods of yoga, we can radically change our inner world and know ourselves and the laws of the Universe.
