Sports matches invariably attract the attention of many fans. This is especially true of such a popular sport as football. But, unfortunately, very often during the matches themselves, and after them there are violations of order on the part of the most active fans - fans. Violations are very diverse, up to massive fights with fans of the opposite side, and even with law enforcement officers. As a result, people simply stop going to the stadiums for fear of being caught by fans or the police.

The problem concerning the behavior of fans arose a long time ago, but it came to Russia from abroad. For example, the violent behavior of English football fans was a headache throughout Europe. The tragedy that happened on May 29, 1985 in Brussels claimed the lives of 39 people. Fans of the English club "Liverpool" attacked the fans of the Italian team "Juventus". After that, UEFA imposed severe sanctions on all English clubs: for 5 years they were banned from participating in European Cup games. In the UK, accordingly, penalties for football hooliganism were tightened, and the most aggressive fans were blacklisted, banning them from visiting stadiums. And this gave a result: the hooliganism of the fans abruptly subsided.
It is obvious that in Russia it is necessary to take similar measures. But harsh sanctions and bans alone will not solve the problem. Much depends on the fans themselves. It is imperative that every fan at a football game behaves according to the rules.
You can and should support your favorite team, wish it success, and encourage its players. But at the same time, it is unacceptable to offend the opposing team and its fans. And to feel dislike for them, and even more so to hate, is simply stupid. Such behavior is unworthy of a civilized person.
You can chant words of support, and in some cases hang out slogans (banners), but they should not be rude or offensive to the opposite side. For example, the stunningly stupid and cynical banner of Zenit fans addressed to the fans of the Moscow Dynamo, insulting the memory of the legendary goalkeeper L. I. Yashin, caused an explosion of indignation even among the most loyal fans of the St. Petersburg club.
It is necessary to refrain from any actions that interfere with the smooth running of the match, as well as other spectators. It is clear that football evokes a lot of emotions. Nevertheless, try not to jump up from your seat, do not wave your arms, do not shout too loudly. By doing this you are disturbing others.
Remember that violations of order by the fans harm, first of all, your favorite club! After all, he bears not only moral, but also material damage due to penalties.